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World of India!

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PopularCulture : Amma ! Rajnikanth fighting, Saar !

I have lived in Chennai, for almost a year, in two different stints and have always marveled at the kind of adulation Rajnikanth enjoys there. Perhaps its the cultural difference that lends itself in me never understanding what the fuss was (indeed, IS) about. The Chennai auto wallah's idolize Rajni and to my eternal regret, even try to live his characters, while driving the auto. If you happen to sit in an auto, which believes in scraping past other vehicles with just millimeters separating them, curse Rajni. This tribe can also be identified by their urge to get out of the auto at every signal/traffic snarl and walk some distance to check what the issue is, and if possible, resolve it. When the signal turns back on, they will walk at leisure, and shout at anyone who objects to the obstruction. Jay Rajni !

So imagine my surprise, when the night before I left Chennai for good and the director of our company was hosting a farewell dinner for me in a well known city restaurant, who walks in but - Amma, Rajni Saar ! He had come with his wife and daughter and sat on the next table. This was 3 years back, but boy, did he look old ! Dollops of make up must have gone into making his recent movies, but Rajni Saar doesn't mind for sure. After all he charged the unheard of Rs. 4- 6 crore even in those days.

Much of Rajni's appeal is due to his stylized acting, which is unique and cannot be copied easily. One his his most famous tricks was throwing up a cigarette and catching it in his mouth and lighting it in one stylized flourish, which I must admit, even I like. Check this video, for some heart stopping, mind numbing action, Rajnikanth Istyle.

Amma ! Rajni Saar fighting very nice....

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November 20, 2006 10:49 AM

Doc, a visit to a local barber will also convince u of his popularity even though he has lost almost all his hair.

Maybe the reason for his sucess is that his ordinary looks combined with extraa-Supernatural power, convinces the common man that he too can be a superstar.

This guy is a superhero for them.    

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