CurrentAffairs : The Indian legal system - Law and Disorder

Consider this : Over two million cases are pending in 18 High Courts alone and more than 200,000 cases are pending in the Supreme Court for admission, interim relief or final hearing. And it takes anywhere between 5 to 15 years for a case to be decided in an
Because of the extra-ordinary time it takes to get justice in
Whatever be the underlying reasons, the fact is that the Judiciary has failed the society, in so much as it does not enjoy the full confidence of the people that they will get speedy justice.
The long drawn out Jessica Lal murder case and the Mumbai blasts (1993) trial case only underscores this weakness. In the '93 blasts case, close to 300 people were killed. Only today, were 4 accused sentenced. On top of it the Judge says that he would need almost a month just to read out the Judgement and sentence the accused! In any other country, there would have been an outcry for this sort of Justice. But that applies for civilized countries where rule of law prevails.
It would be interesting to anticipate what would be the fate of Sanjay Dutt in this trail (accused # 117). Sanjay was caught red handed with the arms used by the accused who carried the blasts. Everyone knows this. But it’s taken since '93 for him to be judged for that offence. His influential father made sure he got bail and apart from the year or two in jail, Sanjay is leading the life of privilege he was used to. Would any other Indian citizen, who was not as privileged be given this kind of a concession, if he was caught red handed with AK47's linked to a case of such magnitude? If it was (say) another Muslim citizen, in Sanjay's position would be have been given the same treatment?
I rest my case.
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