EtcEtc : Stop Press!
As you can see we have turned over a new leaf, in terms of look and feel of the Blog. Some might wonder why. But its really not my fault. I know that a template with Chairman Mao stamps, for a Blog named- World of India, may not be the most appropriate. But aside from this one anomaly, which I do not know how to correct, the rest of the template is SOOO perfeccct, that I just couldn’t resist the change. And I must say, it looks great!
So those of you who liked the old look, don't blame me, blame Gecko and Fly, who designed this WICKED template.
P.S: Was able to get rid of Chairman Mao, but sigh, I miss him already...
So those of you who liked the old look, don't blame me, blame Gecko and Fly, who designed this WICKED template.
P.S: Was able to get rid of Chairman Mao, but sigh, I miss him already...
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