World of India!: CurrentAffairs : Well Well Well... .How do Corporate Re-structuring deals get struck? One example... e

World of India!

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CurrentAffairs : Well Well Well... .How do Corporate Re-structuring deals get struck? One example...

I had promised readers earlier, that I will write in detail about the events in the last two years or so, in my earlier company, which incidentally was a multi-billion dollar global MNC and was sold by a C.E.O, after just a year in office. The story is extremely interesting and readers would be forgiven to think of it as corporate fiction, when they do read what I surely intend to write.

But that has to wait for another day, another moment.

For now, I have just read about something interesting about Mr. C.E.O. He moved on after selling off my company to another British company as its C.E.O. Things were quiet for a while, on the news front, although knowing his style, I know it must be a whirlwind of activity in this company, after he took over. I am sure the employees would be feeling on top of the world, new revolutionary ideas are being executed with good planning and precision. The employees must be getting a feeling that for the first time, they have got some one who is charismatic, inspiring and a lot of fun, some one who listens, some one who knows the issues and most important , some one who acts. All this is, I am confident of. Mr. C.E.O has remarkable abilities, for sure.

Now that the year is done, since he has joined there, I started scanning for news results in Google, on the name of his new company. Voila! Sure as hell, there it is! "Outsourcing subsidiary of company 'X' up for sale" screams the headline. But wait a minute, the buyer seems to be an Indian I.T services giant, for a billion U.S.D or so.

Strong denials have been issued 2 weeks or so ago, by Mr. C.E.O.

Hmm...but just how could this Indian I.T company act exactly after Mr. C.E.O joined his new company?It just so HAPPENS (pure co-incidence, nothing else) that this I.T company was ALSO the preferred vendor, for my sold off company and had done stellar work in writing an ERP package for us. This I.T company was smart enough to keep an eye on Mr.C.E.O and his next job position. They must have kept in touch with him. If he joined another company as C.E.O, may be they could use the relationship built over the last year or so? Lo and behold...they struck gold with the company our C.E.O joined, having a BPO unit, which was EXACTLY the kind of acquisition, these guys were looking for, to gain fresh business.

So I don't give much currency to denials of Mr. C.E.O. He has protested similarly, when he sold my earlier company. The deal is sure to get struck, if not now, a little bit later.

Congratulations to the Indian I.T company for keeping their eyes and ears open..they say God helps them who helps themselves...I am ringing my broker to buy that I.T stock I always wanted !

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