World of India!: Bakwas Bayleaf e

World of India!

Fire at will.

Bakwas Bayleaf

Bangalore is full of people and commercial establishments who think that their only calling in life is to plunder and pillage all those who work in the I.T sector. They have this quaint notion that we make money by the sack full and therefore are legitimate targets.

The people who run Bayleaf restaurant in Koramangala belong to such a breed. They have become inspired by this thought so much lately, that they decided to run a Goan food festival. Since, I am a Goan from my mothers’ side, I could naturally not resist and decided that this was an opportunity that was hard to miss.

1 fish curry, 1 fried fish, 1 steamed rice and 1 beer later – I realized that the only item worth eating is the steamed rice and the Kingfisher beer. If this is what passes for Goan fish curry, even the fish in the curry would have been disgusted. The fish fry did not have a trace of the famous Goan Reichado masala. But the management must be given full marks for being ambitious. Each item on the menu is priced above Rs.200/- taking the sum total of my misery to Rs.850 off, excluding the tip.

To their eternal misfortune the captain presented me a feedback form, which I duly used to massacre the food and the chef. To the captains’ credit, he sent over the chef to meet me and discuss the shortcomings, but that did not help my wallet regain its original size, of course.

Such is life!

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