EditorsEdit: Do you know of Madarsas run by RSS?
Muslim Madarsas have received a lot of publicity recently. And although the Sachar panel report blew many myths surrounding the true state of social and economic well being (or rather the opposite) of Muslims, it is a moot point how far it will seep into the conscience of the majority of the populace, given that the government is not doing too much to communicate the conclusions to the people at large. What good is a truth finding report if the results don't reach the people? So the Hindus would continue to see Muslims as bearing dozens of children, marrying multitude of women, all of them getting educated in madarsas, whereas the truth somewhat more prosaic.
If the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh- an extreme right organisation in India) and its tentacle organisations are to be believed, all madarsas are hotbeds of sedition (Sonia Faleiro has written an excellent post on theMadarsas in Mumbai). But nobody focuses on a similar set up in the RSS, which goes all out to indoctrinate the young Hindu minds into their own philosophy of hate. It is no secret that the RSS runs shakhas where children, younger than 10 years old, are systematically brought in the RSS fold.
My wife tells me of incidences in her childhood, where RSS trainers would move from house to house to ask parents to send their children to the RSS shakha. The parents are told that the shakha teaches the children about our glorious heritage, sanskrit shlokas and such like, besides the usual fun and games. Once the parent agrees to this noble objective (chances multiply if the parent is a conservative/right winger), the indoctrination of the child begins.
Everyday, during the course of my evening jog, I see the place where these children are 'trained', since its right next to the park where I jog. By that evening time, you will see a few children standing neatly in a row, giving the typical RSS salute and singing the RSS anthem (whatever that is). Whenever I see the spectacle, I shudder at the guile with which young minds are being brainwashed for life. Sudhanva Despande has written a fine review on the movie made by Lalit Vachani, which exposes these classrooms of hate and the dastardly methods they employ.
At least the majority of Muslims are forced to send their children to madarsas out of sheer helplessness for lack of proper educational facilities. But how can you defend these RSS madarsas, where middle to lower middle class young Hindu children's perceptions about life, society, heritage are being changed forever? These impressionable children don't stand a chance and will become 'volunteers' in the cadre for the rest of their life.
If the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh- an extreme right organisation in India) and its tentacle organisations are to be believed, all madarsas are hotbeds of sedition (Sonia Faleiro has written an excellent post on theMadarsas in Mumbai). But nobody focuses on a similar set up in the RSS, which goes all out to indoctrinate the young Hindu minds into their own philosophy of hate. It is no secret that the RSS runs shakhas where children, younger than 10 years old, are systematically brought in the RSS fold.
My wife tells me of incidences in her childhood, where RSS trainers would move from house to house to ask parents to send their children to the RSS shakha. The parents are told that the shakha teaches the children about our glorious heritage, sanskrit shlokas and such like, besides the usual fun and games. Once the parent agrees to this noble objective (chances multiply if the parent is a conservative/right winger), the indoctrination of the child begins.
Everyday, during the course of my evening jog, I see the place where these children are 'trained', since its right next to the park where I jog. By that evening time, you will see a few children standing neatly in a row, giving the typical RSS salute and singing the RSS anthem (whatever that is). Whenever I see the spectacle, I shudder at the guile with which young minds are being brainwashed for life. Sudhanva Despande has written a fine review on the movie made by Lalit Vachani, which exposes these classrooms of hate and the dastardly methods they employ.
At least the majority of Muslims are forced to send their children to madarsas out of sheer helplessness for lack of proper educational facilities. But how can you defend these RSS madarsas, where middle to lower middle class young Hindu children's perceptions about life, society, heritage are being changed forever? These impressionable children don't stand a chance and will become 'volunteers' in the cadre for the rest of their life.
And every once in a while, they will create people of the category of 'X', who was my classmate in engineering. A member of RSS since childhood, he is a model member of the tribe- supremely enthusiastic & non-questioning about the 'cause'. Once I grilled him on RSS philosophy and tried to show him ' the other side'. But as he started to feel that some thing of what I was trying to tell him was reasonable, he became too disturbed, refused to listen more and threw a big tantrum warning me to lay off him because RSS was "in his blood".
Not a big surprise. One could almost see him as a young child being fed the messages he was taught not to question and was just reverting to that child state.
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Not a big surprise. One could almost see him as a young child being fed the messages he was taught not to question and was just reverting to that child state.